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Listed on Dec. 28, 1987, UPEC's common stock is traded on the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE) under the ticker symbol 1216.
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The fiscal year ends on December 31.
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The annual reports are available from our web site at Annual Reports or you could also find them in “the TSE market Observation Post system”.
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For more relevant information regarding investor conference, please click here.
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If there are earnings for distribution at the end of each fiscal year, after offsetting any loss of prior year(s) and paying all taxes and dues, 10% of the remaining net earnings shall be set aside as legal reserve, then would be appropriated as special reserve in accordance with Securities Exchange Law. The remaining net earnings can be distributed together with prior accumulated unappropriated retained earnings. The Board of Directors will consider the factors that were mentioned above to make the dividend distribution proposal. The dividend should be set in the range from 50% to 100% of the accumulated unappropriated retained earnings. Cash dividend shall exceed 30% of the total dividend distribution in any given fiscal year. Therefore, the dividends could be distributed in accordance with the resolution that is approved by the Board of Directors and the Annual Shareholders' Meeting.
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President Securities Corp is our transfer agency, and the contact details are as followed:
Stock Management Dept. of President Securities Corp.
Address: B1, No. 8, Tung Hsing Road, Taipei City
Telephone number: (02) 2746-3797